Located in Orne, french Normandy since 2021, he's native from Lorraine region in Nancy, a city that's known effervescence of Art-Nouveau architectural style since the end of the 19th century.

Since his childhood, he was exposed to manual expression and visual arts including drawing, painting or photography through some passionnate family members .

During school studies, he continued to develop these activities by it-self to transform certains as true passions, especially photography and its different styles.

At the end of his general school career in 2018, he applied to the Concours of Beaux-Arts at the high national school of Art and Design in Nancy and then at the Condé school of applied arts but he finally decided, loving specially nature contact to head towards landscaping.

This abundant creativity time led him to deepen his knowledge in graphic and landscape design but also to experiment graphic tablet, which will allow him to make its first digital drawings.

Gradually, photos adorne of  chiaroscuro, textures and depth. A very unexpected photographic style emerges, specifically after an internship school of several months in a high mountain botanical garden where his appeal focuses on macro photography.

An intriguing game of contrasts and colors, a sensory exploration combining abstraction, softness and intimacy, the visual style adopted finally allows with ease the association of other passions like philosophy and poetry.

SYMBIOSE : Human-Nature initiated in 2024 is his first photographic series. Officially accessible since 2025, it's in collaboration with Manon Baëlen, artist, writer and main model figurative for the human part of it.

" More than the beginning of an art, it is a leap with full momentum, a sparkling look towards the star that illuminates everything that is : Life. "

" Be confused,

be comforted. "


héo Galilé, artist, photograph and philosoph.

Brasserie Excelsior de Nancy en style art nouveau

Jardin botanique alpin du Lautaret - hautes alpes

Plans de jardin par infographie paysagère

Plan aérien de production vidéo personnelle




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